The Arcadia Bulletin
Volume III, Edition 1
Winter 2023

The Arcadia Bulletin was
Arcadia’s first newspaper
As we turn the corner into the New Year, I would like to take a moment to reflect on Arcadia Historical Society’s achievements during this past year.
A lot was happening in our community in 2022 and A.H.S. was a big part of the action. In May, we hosted our Annual Spring Garden Party. Scores of members and friends had a memorable time at the beautiful home and gardens of Tom and Suzanne Tomkins. The Opportunity Auction, organized by Bev Street netted more than $1,000 for our ongoing efforts to bring our rich history alive.
A.H.S., in partnership with the City of Arcadia and Friends of Arcadia Historical Society, dedicated the Carol Libby Memorial Garden on September 19th. Ambassador Bev Street addressed the overflow crowd, fondly remembering what Carol meant to all of us.
Once again, we supported Downtown Arcadia’s Halloween event on Friday, October 29th with a fun game and giveaway. Thanks to Helene Stepp, Barbara Lampman, and board members Jolene Cadenbach and Bev Street, hundreds of happy Trick-or-Treaters made off with lots of goodies.
The very next day, we hosted “Celebrating Arcadia History Makers” at Floretta K. Lauber Museum Education Center, featuring a lively video. Mayor Tom Beck presented A.H.S. with a certificate, marking our 70th year in service to the City of Arcadia.
September 5th was indeed a day of historic proportions, as Arcadia’s first historic landmark plaque was unveiled at the Arcadia Woman’s Club on First Avenue. The location could not be more appropriate, as the Woman’s Club has been such an integral part of Arcadia’s growth and development.
As my term of office as your president is ending, I would like to personally thank each of you for your generosity, kindness and support during the past three years.
Jim Considine, Jr.
Membership in A.H.S. Membership fees are vital to support our programs and services. If you have not already sent in your renewal for 2023, or if you wish to join A.H.S., please fill out the enclosed form and mail your check to Arcadia Historical Society, P.O. Box 661332, Arcadia, CA 91066.
Membership Rates:
Single – $35
Family (2 persons) – $50
Corporate – $250
Student – $10
New Board Member
Stephanie Rowley
We are delighted to announce that Stephanie Rowley will be joining our Board of Directors.
Stephanie was raised in Arcadia and is a graduate of Arcadia High School. Stephanie and her husband Doug recently celebrated their 40th Wedding Anniversary. Congrats!
In her varied experience, Stephanie has been a music director, a business owner, and is currently a licensed Financial Advisor/Insurance agent and business coach. Arcadia Historical Society is excited to welcome Stephanie to our leadership team as we prepare for another exciting year.
In Memoriam
Mary Elizabeth Hansen
1925 – 2022
Our community lost one of its finest citizens on July 18, 2022, when Mary Hansen passed away at age 97. Mary liked to call herself “a professional volunteer,” and she was that and much more! Our Board of Directors will never forget the love and support that Mary gave to us through the years. We are grateful and we miss you, Mary!
The Mary Hansen Library Garden was formally dedicated at the Arcadia Public Library on November 15, 2022
Special Event!
The San Gabriel Valley in 1877, Through the Lens of Carleton E. Watkins
Saturday, March 11th
Arcadia Public Library at 2:00 pm
Cay Mortensen Auditorium
The earliest known photographs of the Rancho Santa Anita were taken in 1877 by Carleton E. Watkins. View these images
and more at an interactive presentation by Ed Andersen. Plan to visit the Watkins exhibit at the Arcadia Library during the month of March 2023. See you there!
Arcadia Historical Society is committed to preserving our colorful past, much of which is symbolized by our older buildings. We are proud to have been a key collaborator in establishing the city’s first Historic Landmark at the Arcadia Woman’s Club, located at 324 S. First Ave. The building was erected in 1931 and soon became a leading center of hospitality and civic involvement in and around the San Gabriel Valley. Unfortunately, Arcadia is a late comer in actively preserving what few historic buildings remain in the city. Neighboring Monrovia and Pasadena have scores of public and private residences listed on federal, state, and municipal historic registries. Recently, Prince Erik Hall on Santa Anita Avenue was demolished to accommodate an affordable housing project. Anoakia, the 19-acre estate of Anita M. Baldwin, fell victim to the bulldozer in 2000 and is now a gated community of luxury homes. With all of this, however, there is some good news!
In 2019, the City of Arcadia adopted its first Historic Preservation Ordinance, which is designed to assist property owners in qualifying their homes and commercial buildings for historic registration. This ordinance is completely optional and no one can compel a property owner to pursue historic status. Arcadia Historical Society has officially adopted this voluntary approach and we are committed to assisting anyone interested in the historic registration process. There are a number of myths about buildings registered as historic. It is untrue, as one resident declared, “You can’t ever remodel your home.” Although there are certain restrictions on exterior appearance, many residents have successfully remodeled their homes in compliance with historic guidelines. While some people believe that you will never be able to sell your home for full value if it is registered, many property owners will tell you that the designation has increased their property values. There are also significant tax advantages to owning a historic building. If you are looking for more information on registering your property as historic, visit the City of Arcadia’s website at: Development Services Department

A.H.S. has a large inventory of furniture, kitchenware, weird artifacts, and stuff we can’t identify. In an effort to thin out our holdings and consolidate our five Bekins Storage lockers into three, an expert give us an evaluation. We then offered the Gilb Museum anything they wanted and sold a few items that have no historical worth. We plan to continue liquidating items certified as “junk.”
Arcadia Civic Youth
Council (A.C.Y.C.)
The A.C.Y.C. is an organization comprised of students from Arcadia High School. Each year, two outstanding students are assigned as liaisons to A.H.S. The Youth Council is a valuable resource in helping us staff and manage events. 2022-23
representatives from A.C.Y.C. are Kai Wetterau and Ashley Te. A BIG thumbs up to Ashley and Kai and all the young people who serve our community!
Speaker’s Corner
Last year, A.H.S. spoke to a number of groups and organizations as far away as Turlock; among them were Arcadia Community Coordinating Council, Arcadia Travelers, and the Huntington Westerners. Our 2023 bookings include Arcadia Rotary Club on February 17th, and the Arcadia Public Library on March 11th. If your group is interested in local history and needs a speaker, please contact Ed Andersen at the email address below. Speak to you soon!
If there is a topic of local interest that you would like to see covered in the Arcadia Bulletin, contact our editor Ed Andersen via email:
Founded in 1952, Arcadia Historical Society is dedicated to preserving the history of Arcadia, California through education, collaboration and community involvement.